I’m at the threshold of a thing that on the other side of which I will likely want another 10 hours of talking late into the night and the early morning sitting somewhere waiting for the sun to rise. So, it seems right that at this threshold there is a pause, a moment in time to consider the path that has come before and all that lies beyond. I have often not looked at pauses in this manner, but tonight I will.
What is a word? Do you ever just feel astonished at the power of one. word?
Drew Holcomb has a song I like with this line dancing through,
“Maybe one more kiss, a word, sing me one more song.” -The Morning Song
Sometimes it is absolutely all I need, a word.
I’m spending this series contemplating the word hope, a word that both elicits scoffing and…hope. dreams. desires. One word, two worlds.
If it were as easy as a word, as saying the word, then we’d all be walking around hope-full when we want to. But it’s not easy. To be people of hope we need to be full of grit, prepared to wander worlds, not in ignorance, nor insensitivity. To hold hope is to be idea people, to see, to say a word of thanks…because if we have even the idea of hope to contemplate it is because Hope is holding us, enabling that breath we just took, but didn’t think about it in order to make it happen…
As I write tonight, one of my dearest friends is laying in a hospital bed and I don’t like it. I don’t pray because it’s alright in my book, I pray because it isn’t alright. I pray because I hope to find hope. Earlier this evening I pulled into our driveway and saw my oldest son’s light on in his room, but he isn’t there, it hurt. Even as I know where he is, that he is well, and happy, and whole—it hurts. It hurts to hope. It hurts to love.
Somedays loving will look like recognizing that another’s happiness being my own is not an altogether broken part of me, somedays loving will look like a hard look in the mirror, somedays it’s a kind one. These are all definitions I often just have to admit I’m still learning.
Somedays love and hope and faithfulness look like hiding in our inner sanctuaries and knowing these also are not broken ways of our souls, as much as we could LET them become so. We need to know & see ourselves, not (always) wait or rely upon another to. It’s upon us to, as much as the listening, giving, and seeing others is crucial as well.
To move deeper into the space where it’s not all about us, that we more and more—with sincerity of heart—can choose another above ourselves, choose to love, choose their good, their happiness…the cost has got to be counted, named. Sometimes we need pauses, things we don’t like, and things that hurt in order to calculate those costs—to name them. It is the same with hope. It costs. The poet put his own realization like this,
“I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God that cost me nothing.” -King David*
Then there was that one time he put it in a prayer,
“Sacrifices You did not desire… but a broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise…”
And although this could be a slippery path that risks the falling into a pit of despair of broken-heart, it still remains the path that needs the taking, faced, and released because, “it is better to give than to receive”. It is better to love than to grow hardened & bitter. Hope heals.
In Qigong, this is recognized as a physical process that our humanity needs. We accomplish it through the compression and expansion of our organs. What is inside, most especially toxicity, must come out. The process of squeezing these things out like a sponge is appropriately challenging…and does not at all, at first, elicit what we have come to know as “hopeful”. What if our definitions have been wrong?
Friends, the last several weeks I’ve only wanted to write and tell you about some amazing things, a world of changes in our home. Jay has a new job! Our oldest has flown off (literally!) to college! I try not to make my blog simply a place for my personal story, but I also am grateful for the space to get to share out of it as well.
It’s not my first thought that such events in a writer’s life might be easily eclipsed by the daily wonder of life, but somehow it’s needed to be this way. Sometimes we just have to trust the process we are in, these days have definitely been of that kind for me. In some ways it’s been the process of a rainy day upon my ground, softening my edges that guard the inner world.
In other ways, the eclipse has looked like finding myself in the process of knowing I’m afraid right now. Some days grief has been catching my breath hard again. Just writing that brings up not only the grief but some anger too. I want to say, “I don’t know why,” but that would be me trying not to feel. Then I want to protest that the feelings that come…I cannot. stand.
But, it doesn’t matter in the least what I can stand or not. Loss is loss. At some points I’m mad about things I can’t control, and then I’m mad at the agency-to-act-no-matter-the-circumstances that exists…sometimes my own agency included…and sometimes I’m just mad that I’ve been mad at all! sigh.
I used to spend too much time wondering what I could have done differently, I’m glad to see that improved. Yet still, I have to let myself move through phases of this process, sometimes more anger, sometimes only tears, sometimes jealousy that stirs me to a unique kind of prayer that would not be born any other way—which causes me to realize that in the same way that I perceived blessing, when it was present, I could also choose to perceive it, as blessing, even in absence…a blessing in its own light, disguised. But then I hate it ALL all over again.
I believe it is true to say that the phases of blaming myself and carrying the grief in my gut has mostly expired. I sense all of this as a physical manifestation closer to the surface these days. I know better now these thing are nothing I can carry. So now maybe I’m just back to calling it what it is again without trying to internalize it, as though I could help it somehow if I did.
Have you ever wondered, “Why doesn’t it matter to some that you suffer for them, from them?”
It’s hard to hope when you feel invisible. futile. It costs…
One word. Two worlds.
So many tears.
What costs will we choose? Today…
Will we…be full of grit, prepared to wander worlds, not in ignorance, nor insensitivity. Will we hold hope in such a way that we will be the idea people? Will we look out to see? Will we say a word of thanks…because if we have even the idea of hope to contemplate, to get mad at, to be confused over… it is because Hope is holding us, enabling that breath we just took, but didn’t think about it in order to make it happen…
“When my spirit faints within me, You know my way!” -Psalm 142:3
Dang it, I know this could be a slippery path that risks the falling into a pit of despair of broken-heart, but it still remains the path that needs the taking, faced, and released because, “it is better to give than to receive”. It is better to love than to grow hardened & bitter. Hope heals. May we be It’s messengers, because neither perfection of person nor circumstance are required here, just all of us.
“Even before a word is on my tongue…You know it altogether.” -Psalm 139:4
Offering “the sacrifice of praise” with you today…if you wanna?
“It is a love more fierce than death…its coals burn with the fire of a divine flame. The mightiest oceans are incapable of extinguishing this love, and rivers cannot wash it away.”
-Song of Songs 8:6-7
I wish I could make it easier, but all I can say today is that you are not alone. I mean it and I know it, with my whole heart.
P.S. Words that did a thing in me: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” -Viktor E. Frankl
P.P.S. Share this letter from my heart with a friend?
Also, remember I love to hear from you too.
My books: (learn more at www.UntoldWonder.com)
Oh, I love you! Thank you for this visit into your heart and experiences. Thank you for braving hope even in the heart (or fringes) of pain. I wonder… as hope and grief and anger can live together…. I wonder if fear can too? Because fear and love don’t work together, but somehow fear and hope are closer. So grateful for your beautiful, whole self.
Rachel, thanks for loving me. For most of us, I don’t think we’ll ever know the depths of hope until we experience depths of fear.
Living in a state of fear will hurt us, our minds, our bodies, our souls — but recognizing fear as an invitation is to see at least some of its right purpose in this world. Fear invites us to hope. Fear teaches us the way. I think of it like a flag that raises to say, yep, that’s the direction you need to face. It doesn’t answer all of our the questions, but it does give us a place to start. Not sure you were really asking me that question as much as thinking out loud… I hope it’s okay I gave it a stab. Thanks for writing.
i have felt both encouraged and reproved by almost everything i have read of yours…never absent of gentleness.
Today. my selfishness is magnified.
Question/thoughts. Rachel said, “…fear and love don’t work together.. ” That sounds right…
“There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment. The one who fears has not been perfected in love.”
There has to be more than one fear. I’m suppose to fear the Lord…”the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”…but I’m not suppose to be afraid…and i have feared the one who could kill my body but could not kill my soul…and there was no love in it…and I am certain it prevented me from loving in truth. it seems to me there is a spirit of fear also. I have felt it rush upon me. How to rightly discern the different kinds of fears, I’m at a loss. I hope I am learning to rightly fear the One who can put both my soul and body in hell.
“Even before a word is on my tongue…You know it altogether.” -Psalm 139:4
“You hem me in behind and before and lay Your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, it is high, I cannot attain it.”
Rebekah and Raynna – a little word exploration on fear… experiential, not etymology:
Fear – the kind that makes you fight/flee/freeze… a very physical danger kind of fear
Fear – the kind that is cold and aches, like your feet in a too-cold ocean… a dread that goes to your core
Fear – the kind that is hot and terrifying, like a fire that burns too fast and high… a panic that destroys all thought
Fear – the kind that is black and clingy, like the demon in the night… a terrifying captivity of evil, which obliterates all that is good in the world
Fear – the awe and terror of something that is large or powerful… the honest awareness of our fragility and smallness
Fear – the shrinking from pain, like a gasp of a remembered burn… the fear I feel when I hope – a fear of hope disappointed
Fear – the sinking loss of hope, the certainty of good things that will not come to be… the arrival of things/times dreaded
I love the thought that fear is an invitation to hope. It’s almost like we can do both at once. I can imagine it as a facing… where I can be anywhere, but I can turn my face towards the fear or towards the hope. Maybe both make sense, or maybe only fear makes sense. But I can turn or move towards hope, because I know that it births hope which births hope which can be shared.
And love…. what if I defined love as a hope that is shared? When I bring a weary friend dinner, I am bringing hope that she is seen, that she is valued, that there is help available… which is me loving… which is me hoping.
Hmm. I like this hope study. Thank you both for continuing to talk with me about it!
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”
Both of these verses bleed hope.
I’ve not been much of a doer of the word…I haven’t tested it much to see if it is true. In a lot of ways, I have cried out for fellowship but I haven’t been willing to extend it. or look for it. or be consistent with it. I’ve run from it. For fear of being known, mostly. I am quite convinced that I cannot hide from God.
“Where can I flee from Your presence?”
I can hide from people tho…which is not conducive to fellowship…nor healing. If God has broken down the wall of hostility between Himself and I…by shedding His own blood…thereby making fellowship possible. Healing possible. Hope a reality. Then I need to humble myself before God and my fellow sisters (and brothers) and allow for fellowship to happen. If God made the way…noone can boast in themselves and we are on common ground. Grace alone. Through faith alone. In Christ alone. Nothing of myself. I know my flesh would walk to hell, willingly. My Spirit cries out for God tho. And somehow fellowship with Him is yoked with fellowship with others:
“If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from ALL sin.”
I don’t know how to walk all of this out.
I do know I sinned today. In more ways than I’m sure I can count. But one that stands out and is obvious is that I got very mad and threw a chair. Fits of anger being a deed of the flesh — it must die. It’s incongruent with who Christ is. I can’t overcome it in myself. I’m confessing it and asking for prayer. If our righteousness comes from Him, then we should come boldly before the throne of grace, with confidence draw near.
Rachel and Raynna, Thank you for listening. Thank you for speaking. Thank you for your gentleness.
I know the new wine can’t be put into the old wineskin. I don’t know that I have the new. I do know that I need it. Just as I know, by experience that washing the outside of the cup is FUTILE. dead works.
Rebekah Perkins
A very HOPEful verse stood out to me tonight while Joseph was reading to our family. He was addressing fear of the future that one of our daughters expressed.
Psalm 91
14 “Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him;
I will protect him, because he knows my name.
15 When he calls to me, I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble;
I will rescue him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him
and show him my salvation.”
“Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him”…my thoughts went like this — this person is in need of deliverance, so they haven’t walked perfectly…yet they still held fast to Jesus in love…therefore, God will deliver them. I do no understand how we can both love Jesus and still fall so short…but this verse gives me SO much HOPE! That although I have sinned…I can still hold fast to him in love and He will deliver me! To that I say — what a Savior!
Holding fast to Him with you gals. I love reading your thoughts and thinking them after you and wondering and pondering about it all with you. Thank you for your willingness, time, and energy sharing them here where others can do the same. I am very grateful to be connected with you both, looking forward to more wonderments together. Hopeful to write more about the subject of fear soon myself. I like how you are engaging it and I see it is a very important topic.
Not a replacement of what I hope will be our continuing conversation, but to share a little bit more with you all about some of my thoughts on the subject of fear here are two posts I have written in the past if you are interested in taking a look. I don’t think it at all fully addresses the questions you all are bringing up but I hope maybe, it will be an encouragement to you and will fill out our foundation a little bit more to build upon answering those questions together and privately. Thank you for sharing your hearts and your words, I do not take it lightly, I treasure it.
Helpful: https://ourrabbijesus.com/articles/does-god-want-us-to-fear-him/