If I could sit down with a pen and paper to write each of you from my heart tonight I’d tell you it’s finally time! After more than four years, my book, The Love Writings: a ragamuffin’s letters about love, is ready to be released into the world—it is ready for you.

I am delighted and nervous, but most of all I am relieved and ready and hopeful.

I hope when you read The Love Writings something from my spirit will be communicated and gifted to your spirit: there’s never been, nor ever will be, another you. Your journey matters and I am a fellow traveler, with you.

It’s available today through my family’s independent publishing company, Untold Wonder Press, and at Amazon!

Special Gift!
This week, if you order directly from Untold Wonder (a HUGE blessing to our family!) we’ll send you a free link to hear the introduction read aloud by me as a special thank you!

Here it is, dear fellow travelers…

The Love Writings: a ragamuffins letters about love by Raynna Myers 
Back Cover: The Love Writings: a ragamuffins letters about love

With love and so much thanks!


Hello, if you are new to these parts, I’m glad you are here! Please, feel welcomed and invited to subscribe to updates from my blog here. I am an author and teacher sharing the journey in hopes to bring courage and joy to others. Sometimes that’s through writing here or my books, sometimes it’s through being a QiGong instructor and life coach, sometimes I get to be a speaker or a photographer or a doula or a chocolate maker! Everyday I get to be a mama to six incredible souls, a role where I not only get to be the teacher but the student. I love my life and I love helping others see the wonder in their lives too.