There are mountains we will traverse in life, places, where one thought becomes seven prayers—a provision and help from the Lord that takes us beyond our own abilities. It’s what I imagine at Pentecost, a single tongue of fire, a flame splitting into many. When I am weak, then I am strong. -2 Corinthians 12:10 These simple words compete for the wonder of first light trembling on the horizon in.. Read More
Hope Heals, After it Burns
I’m at the threshold of a thing that on the other side of which I will likely want another 10 hours of talking late into the night and the early morning sitting somewhere waiting for the sun to rise. So, it seems right that at this threshold there is a pause, a moment in time to consider the path that has come before and all that lies beyond. I have.. Read More
The Deepening Gaze of Faithfulness
In the early morning, of this fairyland I live in, the air is brimming with sound. The roosters remind me I live in rural America but the other bird songs are still so newborn to me that it persists to feel as my first morning here, like the stuff of dreams. In a reverie it feels like I’m enclosed by tropical forest and its reverberations. The bright blue wing of.. Read More
An Open Love Letter
Hello my fellow travelers, how are you? I mean that question truly and welcome you to write to me if you’d like. I have often shared with you things that I have been privileged to learn from my teacher, Keren Hannah Pryor, she is a messianic Jew who is a teacher and author who writes and shares beauty and truth from Jerusalem. She is a gift who offers rich treasures.. Read More
I Will Sing
The first fresh days of the new year are unfolding into deeper ones and I want to be here within them, but I feel enclosed in almost a continual house of mourning so far this year. I feel grateful to be alive in this glowing and abundant world, everyday I really do feel that thrill, but it also has been tempered by loss. It has made it difficult to write, yet.. Read More
Sounds Like Joy
Tell me, you whom my soul loves, where you pasture your flock, where you make it lie down at noon; for why should I be like one who veils herself beside the flocks of your companions. ~Shir-Hashirim (Song of Songs) 1:7 I have often heard myself in these words, in all my seeking the signature and footpaths of the Holy One—I want to know His resting place. Sacred intimacy sounds.. Read More
Deep Cuts, Part One
Overwhelm and stress and the painful places in life—that is the place of love. The space we get to love comes in the harshest and, even what is most easy to perceive as, the cruelest of ways. Love’s kingdom begins at the water’s edge. Sometimes we find the gradual sloping edge, the gentle entry, only to learn in time to take it as grace when it does come so—because Love’s.. Read More
Forever: A Prayer
How is heaven to come down to earth? Often in the prayers of the early church God is referred to as Eternal One. In some records of the prayer Jesus taught his disciples to pray, it ends with these words: Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. God is the forever One—an idea we both cannot comprehend and that the strangest things bear light upon it… Read More
Such a Thing as Glory
In the Pacific Northwestern United States there are four distinct seasons, two with incredible contrasting “glory”, that is, presence—summer and winter. It strikes me as something to behold because it is new to me that the marked difference is not hot and cold as I have been accustomed to in the Midwest, but rather dry and wet. This year from the late Spring and throughout Summer to early Fall we.. Read More
Take Us Into The Real: Teach Us How to Forgive
When summer was new and beginning here in Washington, we would walk along the river’s rocky shore and often comment to one another how we are firmly walking where so briefly ago there were waters raging so deeply and fiercely that it would be over our heads—literally. There were times this reality was so felt my body would momentarily shiver from the remembered force that would have swept us, all,.. Read More