In my last post, I began with speaking about the complicated-ness of sibling relationships. So what’s wonder got to do with overcoming that?
Brother/sister-hood, our children’s and our own, it’s heavy with glory—a target of great worth. I’m trying lately to remember Beauty in the quiet places I can steal away. I know that the stories of wonder planted deep into our world, and deep within us, can emerge. I know it is wonder that overcomes. But sometimes my mind wants to go numb instead.
I still remember my first born crying inconsolably. After exhausting all my “good ideas” that seemed to make him cry more instead of less, out of utter lost-ness I just walked out the front door with him. Three steps later, he stopped crying?! That was over 14 years ago and I still remember the weight of relief…He stopped! Ok then, let’s go for a walk! Let’s go for lots and lots of walks.
Throughout the last decade and a half we’ve gone on more than a few. I developed a theory while walking. It’s nothing new, but it has become personal: Beauty heals. Wonder invites. I will either be a fascilitator of these or something less.
It’s a strangely balanced stance to take in the heat of an argument. If I drew you a diagram it would look like a see-saw with “hope” heavy on one end and “control” would be the astonishing light weight on the other. I want to have all the answers! And when I don’t—Atleast let me act like I do! But wait, where does that take us?
I, like you, want my kids to be grounded—I want to be as well—to know how to remember what love really is. I do not call nature “God” but I do believe His nature and character can be seen, felt, known through His creation. Whether we perceive it correctly or not, whether we deny it or not, doesn’t change what He has planted deep into our world and deep within us. Wonder. Miracle. Eternity.
All of this, written by the God who reveals Himself as Love as His very essence. This story of His written everywhere; if I read it long enough, maybe I can learn something about real love too? Maybe the more time the children spend surrounded by His story we will learn together? What’s great about children—they relax into that a lot easier than I do.
I’m learning to live with questions. It feels free.
But what does that look like in the daily? I’ve got one more installment to this series, coming at you tomorrow. Thanks for reading!
Wonder that Overcomes, (Siblings) Part 3 | Raynna Myers: Writing & Photography
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