The littlest was howling. He hurt his knee. He came running. Tucking himself next to me, he took my long skirt and draped it over his wound, holding it tight. Eyes closed tight too, unaware how he was warming my heart, he cuddled into my lap. That kind of smile that comes from deep down broke out all over my tired face. It comforted me that I could comfort him, even with.. Read More
Living With the Ache for Home
Who knew I would speak with not one, but two of my children, between the ages of 3-14, this week about their future spouses, their future lives. I found in my boys a longing to know their place in this world. How surprised I was to come across their tiny but true nonetheless, ache. I perceived in them, ache. They are aching for their wholeness, and so am I. I didn’t.. Read More
Burnt Toast: A Prayer, (and poetry too)
Wouldn’t it be just the way of it? The morning I have this wonderful break-through thought, a certain breath from heaven kind-of-thought that transforms my affections and makes me ache with the longing to honor my God even as I cook breakfast for my family, all filling me up warm and bright inside—I burn the toast.
I don’t mean burn in the toaster kind-of-burn the toast, I mean, “Everybody open the windows before the fire alarm goes off!”, kind-…
Glimpses—For Us
From exploring Corbin, KY (Cumberland Falls) to driving through the Appalachians in TN (Cherokee, Pisgah, and Great Smoky Mountains National Forests) to NC to exploring the wonder of the OCEAN on the Atlantic coast of South Carolina to exploring Charlotte, NC “the Queen City” (that WOW reminded me of Overland Park, KS) to a quick overnight in Knoxville, TN so that we could go exploring Big South Fork National River.. Read More
Story Written Everywhere
I see story written everywhere, in the earth, in the sky, in our exquisite form and functions, at the market and at the theatre, in scraped knees and scrapped lives, in triumph and pride, broken hearts and bent over limbs.
When I came upon this place, pictured, just a little ways from my home, it was the story of beauty being closer than I thought and inviting me in. I needed that and even still ached to absorb it, to believe it—in a practical way….
Rock N’ Photo Shoot
I really enjoyed being the photographer for Lexington Music Education’s Rock N’ Roll Christmas Charity concert two weekends ago benefitting LexArts. The location (Natasha’s Bistro & Bar) was a very cool venue to highlight this and lots of other talents – local and national headlining performers! I am so happy for all these kids to have such awesome opportunities. BIG thumbs up to all the parents, teachers and performers!! I.. Read More
Recital: Portraits of Lexington Musicians
“Music washes away from the soul
the dust of everyday life.”
~ Berthold Auerbach (1812-1882)
Honored and sincerely inspired by the opportunity to be the photographer for Lexington Music Education’s Student Recital at Willis Music this weekend.
The songs they brought…
Life is music and the songs come to us in so many ways. “…and I saw the mountains waking with the innocence of children, and my soul is still there with them wrapped in the songs they brought.” ~Richard Wayne Mullins For years I’ve been working towards restoring the old custom of reading aloud to our children. Parents throughout history have blessed their children with this pastime, and although some.. Read More
Family {Story} Portraits
“Hi. Want to blow some bubbles together?” This summer while we were out on a picnic, a storm (as I am prone to find myself in) gently began to blow, and as my troop and I sought nearby shelter, we bumped into another family doing the same. One of my children offered to share his bubbles and it was so fun, we haven’t quit sharing since! I recently had a.. Read More