Who knew I would speak with not one, but two of my children, between the ages of 3-14, this week about their future spouses, their future lives. I found in my boys a longing to know their place in this world. How surprised I was to come across their tiny but true nonetheless, ache. I perceived in them, ache. They are aching for their wholeness, and so am I. I didn’t.. Read More
Wonder that Overcomes, (Siblings) Part 3
It would be too simple to say or think that all I do as a parent to nurture my children through the wilderness of sibling relations is head for the woods. Yet it is a very powerful, meaning filled way I can put feet on my prayers. And it’s not just for the kids, it’s for me too. Maybe me most of all? It’s at that mind numbing point (I.. Read More
Family {Story} Portraits
“Hi. Want to blow some bubbles together?” This summer while we were out on a picnic, a storm (as I am prone to find myself in) gently began to blow, and as my troop and I sought nearby shelter, we bumped into another family doing the same. One of my children offered to share his bubbles and it was so fun, we haven’t quit sharing since! I recently had a.. Read More