How does destruction happen among those born with the instinct not to be destroyed? No one is born wanting to die, wanting loss, wanting pain, and yet we are surrounded by all of these things. To take it even further and maybe even more personal? Have you ever known someone who once helped you see yourself and then their vision left, they left? It’s as frightening as it is devastating… Read More
A Winter Walk in the Wilds
Wanna go for a walk together? Let’s follow the river a ways, the snow has just begun to fall in our little slice of wilderness, and I must venture out into it. “It is still the morning of creation, the morning stars are singing together…”, said John Muir, and I feel its truth in my bones even as the night comes and I breathe deep in wonder climbing down the.. Read More
Faithful Fight
Rumi once wrote, “The way the night knows itself with the moon, be that with me.” Or, alternately translated, “Union is a raging river running toward the sea. Tonight the moon kisses the stars. O beloved, be like that to me.” I am afraid of many things. I fear not knowing union like Rumi wrote, or of not protecting it, or fighting for it with my life. The last seven.. Read More
Dear Dying Heart: A Slight Figure of Speech
“They say you’ve gotta lose a couple fights to win It’s hard to tell that from where I’m sitting They say that this is where the fun begins I guess it’s time that I was quitting A slight figure of speech I cut my chest wide open They come and watch us bleed Is it art like I was hoping now?” —Avett Brothers, Slight Figure of Speech Dear fellow sojourners.. Read More
Burnt Toast: A Prayer, (and poetry too)
Wouldn’t it be just the way of it? The morning I have this wonderful break-through thought, a certain breath from heaven kind-of-thought that transforms my affections and makes me ache with the longing to honor my God even as I cook breakfast for my family, all filling me up warm and bright inside—I burn the toast.
I don’t mean burn in the toaster kind-of-burn the toast, I mean, “Everybody open the windows before the fire alarm goes off!”, kind-…