Perhaps one of the most fascinating and helpful unfolding truths in my own life has been seeing the way creation speaks. I see the way the rivers emulate and echo the way of our bodies, our blood’s circulation to our organs, our need for flow and our danger in stagnation—of being stuck. I am impressed with the need for clean waterways to our oceans for our earth’s good as much.. Read More
For When Your World is on Fire
There are wounds that wind our souls so tight we quit breathing from our bellies. That’s how babies breathe. Until the pain comes, we breathe from our bellies. Then we swallow the pain down to our guts and kill ourselves—but we simply think we’re trying to survive. And, in reality, we are. What’s so horrible about that? Why should surviving make us sick? It’s this question I have to capture;.. Read More
From Choking to Song
The laboring woman knows how the pain comes in waves. She knows the transcendent way they wash over—wash through—her. She knows they bear tidings of gift and soon the gift itself. Yet the way they come! Such tumult at times that stirs the blood to one of two things: Wild trust or wild fear. Two, so same and so different all at once, it could make us wonder how both.. Read More