Last I wrote you here we pondered our wildernesses together, our woods and shadowed places. Let’s venture into our waters now. I want to write to you of your streams and rivers, your seas. What a world you are, what glory. In ancient medicinal ways the energetic pathways that run from the crowns of our heads to the soles of our feet are as living streams of water flowing to.. Read More
A Letter: From my Wilds to Yours
Hello Old Friends! I have missed writing to you here. Welcome to a new year, and what a threshold it is! Good morning to you from the baby-bluest, mistiest, chilliest, coziest dawn I’ve experienced this side of the Cascades. It reminds me of the early mornings by the sea, except it is not sand at my feet today but rather crunchy, frozen-twice-over, snow. I do not love the cold, but.. Read More