“There is a realm of time where the goal is not to have but to be, not to own, but to give, not to control but to share, not to subdue but to be in accord.”

—Architecture of Time in The Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel


I was dreaming awake last night of these things. Today I feel I am sleep walking awake trying to hold onto them.

I hope you know I am speaking from my heart wondering about this journey as I know it so far. I am wondering about the Master Architect of this thing called time we all live within and try with fever to live without, me included.

Then Reality breaks in. Life-filled, heartbreakingly-beautiful, invitingly-terrifying Reality. And I stop. There’s nothing I can do but stop. And I cry with the thankfulness, because now I can live again.
But He knew that already. He knew if we would stop—we could see and hear.

Sabbath, it’s this gift we have called, “burden”. I’ve struggled hard with it. I’ve been blind. I’ve liked the rhythm in my music but please don’t bother the chaos of my days.

And now, this time of year, the Biblical calendar calls for ten beats of pause—Ten Days of Awe. If we lived in Israel we’d hear shofars, ram’s horns, trumpet-like blasts of “Wake!” “Wake from your slumber…”

We can hear it here too.




All images ©Raynna Myers 2015